Bullying, Schools, and No Bullying Signs

Everyone knows that bullying is wrong (even bullies). The question is not whether or not such behavior can be justified, it is rather about what we can do to protect our kids and make our schools, colleges and kindergartens safe.

Not all the bullies are physically stronger than their victims. Child’s personality plays even more significant role determining kids’ response to aggression. Some of them would immediately fight back while the others would tend to succumb and comply with bullying keeping their emotional and physical suffering to themselves. This suffering will gradually accumulate leading to a deep psychological trauma and virtually unpredictable consequences for such child, his or her family and many of us around.

The most recent or perhaps, the most commonly known case of bullying and outrageous negligence was a tragic death of Tyler Clementi – Rutgers College freshman.

It will be safe to assume that there are similar cases that happened in the past, keep happening now and are likely to occur in a future unless we (and by “we” I mean teachers, instructors, principles, counselors, facility supervisors, office managers, security personal, government authorities, parents and of course children themselves) would do something about it.

Teaching our kids proper moral values would be a good place to start and no one can do it better than a child’s parents. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remain a full-time parent (work, personal preferences and many other factor are here at work) and that is where we begin to rely on educational and social institutions to take over. Unfortunately, this is also where most of the trouble tends to start.

We bring kids to school to learn. We trust their safety to those who work there and expect them not simply make them proficient in math and science but also teach them the important social skills and ability to co-exist peacefully. This is where the system fails. Crossing schools doors kids remain on their own. Not all of them can knock out a bully or stand up for themselves. Many of them need help. This is why it is crucial not only have formal safety policies in place but also ensure that such polices are being strictly and systematically enforced.

One of the major steps in this direction was made last November when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights significantly improving the Anti-Bullying Law of 2002 and mandating all districts to form a “school safety team” designed to spot and prevent bullying and closely investigate any students’ complaints.

Now when the word is finally out, educational institutions are more actively seeking ways to stop bullying in their midst. Whether it being done because of a suddenly awaken consciousness or because of a mere fear of authorities’ wrath is a subject for a different discussion. What is important is that regardless of their motives, schools and other educational institutions are now in a great need of efficient tools to enforce their anti-bullying policies. One of such tools (along with constant monitoring of children’s behavior and proper implementation of safety protocols) would be a thoughtful posting of No Bullying signs. Easily noticeable and comprehendible Bullying Signs serve as a constant reminder to students and facility personal. They also have a power to influence children’s behavior on subconscious level and clearly communicate what can or cannot be done.

Tyler Clementi’s accident once again proved how dangerous bulling can be – and No Bullying signs can show just how serious your school really is about this problem and what consequences await those who chooses to violate the existing rules. School safety in general and No Bullying signs in particular have become an essential part of any school safety program and are designed to make a real difference.

Be proactive – take a long walk around your facility, observe and take a note of all bully-prone areas, and make sure that all proper safety signs are in place to remind kids that they are not alone and to help your students speak up.

For more information about our safety products please visit us at www.safetysign.com

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