Category Archives: Bullying

Everyone knows that bullying is wrong (even bullies). The question is not whether or not such behavior can be justified, it is rather about what we can do to protect our kids and make our schools, colleges and kindergartens safe. Not all the bullies are physically stronger than their victims. Child’s personality plays even more significant role determining kids’ response to aggression. Some of them would immediately fight back while the others would tend to succumb and comply w......
Since World War Two the extended family has experienced huge changes. Close extended families provide children with opportunities to express their real feelings and relate at a more intimate level. Regular family get together oblige them to relate to different types of people, nice and nasty, simple and complicated. At any family function, children banter and tease, argue and fight, then make up and laugh together, all within a brief period. Whereas, in families who encounter their extende......
If anything is unwanted, it is often desirable to nip it in the bud itself. Otherwise, things can get out of hand. The same principle applies to bullying as well. It is absolutely imperative to figure out how bullying progresses. What are the different steps involved in it? What is the root cause for this malicious act? Bullying evolves after a series of events. It’s like a slow cancer. Bullying goes through five distinctive stages. It progresses from minor exasperation to constant a......