Autism Training In Schools Is Far Too Minimal

When you look at the diagnosis rate for autism spectrum disorders, you will find that it is incredibly high, yet if you ask the average principal how many students in a school have the disorder, you will likely get an incredibly low number.  The simple fact is that autism is often unrecognized in schools, and kids every day fall through the cracks, labeled simply as learning impaired or as behaviorally challenged, when in truth there is a medical condition that can be treated through proper education right within the school itself.

Autism training in schools is far less common than it should be, given the rate at which these disorders are diagnosed.  At a minimum, schools should certainly have at least one educator or guidance counselor who is trained in ABA therapy, which is the most widely recognized and accepted treatment for autism.  If there were proper autism training in schools, more educators would be able to recognize symptoms of the disorder and more students would be able to receive both the treatment and the education that they deserve.  That is why there are training programs designed specifically for school districts that make use of DVD lessons.

While classes for multiple educators would set school districts back a large percentage of their annual budget, a DVD training program can be incredibly affordable.  A quality program will have ample lessons that are highly detailed and that offer training on both the condition and the therapy used to help treat it.  Studies show that young children who receive ABA therapy are more likely to be able to communicate and behave properly and even to learn and interact within a standard classroom of their peers.  These children are incredibly intelligent, and a great program can help them unlock the potential within.

While it can be easier for educators to label a child as learning disabled or to assume that their behavior is born of bad parenting or a simple willful attitude, the simple fact is that autism is a very common disorder.  Autism training in schools is simply a necessity, and it is something that far too few districts provide.  There are options out there for every district, and they are much more affordable than many think.  With a quality program, it can be much easier for educators to help treat kids with autism so that they have a better chance to succeed.

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