Category Archives: Autism

When you look at the diagnosis rate for autism spectrum disorders, you will find that it is incredibly high, yet if you ask the average principal how many students in a school have the disorder, you will likely get an incredibly low number.  The simple fact is that autism is often unrecognized in schools, and kids every day fall through the cracks, labeled simply as learning impaired or as behaviorally challenged, when in truth there is a medical condition that can be treated through prope......
Whenever you look at the statistics, you will find that the chances of a child being born with autism are incredibly high.  In fact, the percentage of children with an autism spectrum disorder is high enough that it simply does not make sense that schools are not obligated to offer special classes to help them better learn to function within a classroom.  ABA therapy has long been known as the most successful and beneficial treatment for children with autism, yet many school districts inst......
As Autism is no longer new to us it is now possible for parents to see symptoms of the condition in their children from an early age.  Research has shown that the condition can be visible in children as young as 1 years old, although this can be quite rare. Autism tends to be easier to spot in children once they reach the toddler phase of their childhood as behavioral trends become easier to recognize.  One of the key identifiers in autism is that the child may not be aware of, or take muc......