What is Dyslexia?


Dyslexia is a learning disorder that is language-based. If a person has this disorder then it likely that they have a difficult time with reading. They may also experience other problems with language skills: pronouncing words, spelling, and writing. If someone has this disorder they usually have to deal with it throughout their life but at different stages it can change. This disability makes it very hard for students to be successful in school or in a normal school environment. In severe forms a student may qualify for extra support, special accommodations and special education. It is unclear as to what exactly causes dyslexia.

Although the causes are not clear, brain imagery and anatomical studies can show the differences as to how the brain of someone suffering from this disorder functions and develops. The majority of people that have dyslexia have problems with speech sounds in words and have problems learning how each letters represents those sounds. People do not deal with this disorder because they are lacking intelligence and have no desire in learning. If teaching methods are appropriate, people with dyslexia can successfully learn how to overcome this disorder. The impact this disorder varies for each individual.

The main difficulty with dyslexia is in spelling, writing, reading fluency and word recognition. With proper instruction some learn early language-based tasks but may experience more sever problems with more complex skills such as writing essays, grammar, and understanding textbook related things later in their educational path. Spoken language can also be difficult for people that have dyslexia even after proper exposure to proper language being used in school or their homes. It is likely that they will have difficulties expressing themselves clearly and they may not fully comprehend the meaning of what others say. A person’s self-image may also be affected by this disorder as they often doubt their capabilities.

People that suffer with this disorder have difficulties with things related to language. They may read or write words and letters in the wrong order. They may also face problems when learning to speak, learning a foreign language, memorizing numbers, doing math, and organizing language. Not every person that faces a difficult time with these things is dyslexic and whether or not a person has dyslexia can only be confirmed through proper diagnosis. Adults may not admit they have reading problems, they may rely on someone else to spell correctly, they may rely on memory, and tend to have great people skills and are very competent in speaking.
In young children the signs of this disorder might include talking later than it is thought they should, being slow at adding new words to their vocabulary, they may have difficulties with rhyming, and they may have trouble when it comes to following directions that include more than one step. Once they start school they may have difficulty with reading single words, difficulties making connections between sounds and letters, they may confuse small words, and make word and letter reversals. How do you know if your child is facing dyslexia?

You can ask a few questions that may indicate they have this disorder. Can your young child remember simple sequences like naming days of the week, reciting the alphabet, or counting? Can they understand the rhyming of words? Can they recognize words that start with the same sound? Can they clap their hands easily to a song rhythm? Do they remember spoken directions easily? Do they remember names of people and places? Do they show that they understand direction like up-down, front-back, and right-left? Can they sit still for a good amount of time? How are their social skills? Depending on the answers to these questions your child may be faced with dyslexia and you should seek a professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Dyslexia is not a disease so there is no cure. If it has been diagnosed properly it can be treated. A person with this learning disorder simply needs support from their family, friends, teachers, and anyone else involved in their lives. There is some work involved and it takes some determination and persistence, but people faced with dyslexia can be successful students and successful in their adult life.

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