The writing process of a dissertation proposal

Can you climb a ladder without placing the first step correctly? It is obvious that this is not possible. Similarly, a dissertation proposal is the first step of the academic assignment. You cannot proceed to the further writing areas until your dissertation proposal is accepted. Hence, let’s look at how you can write one effectively. There are some easy tips which need to be followed.

First of all, you need to be simple. Do not provide explanations or elaborations which are not required.  Apart from that, use terminologies which are easily understandable. Most jury members do not appreciate complicated sentence structures. Hence, you should use simpler ones.  You need to present some important points in your proposal so that your advisor is convinced.

You need to give an idea of your research methodology in your dissertation as well. If you are using multiple research methods, are all of them necessary?  If yes then how productive would they be. A student should know that dissertation writing is not about filling pages. A proposal presents your scope and research. Thus, you need to provide explanations which are to the point.

It is very important to make a list of resources. Do not adopt a hasty approach while making this list. All the resources mentioned in the proposal are written in the bibliography. These resources should be relevant and dependable because they can be verified at any time.

Some students make the error of taking the proposal writing process lightly.  A rejection or modification demand is always a setback. Hence, you should follow the proper format for a dissertation proposal. There is one way in which you can minimize the error rate. You should get your proposal checked by the advisor before submitting it.  In this way, you would not have to rewrite the proposal.

Some students do not meet their advisor during the writing process of the proposal. This creates a big problem when it is submitted. This is when small errors turn into major blunders and are impossible to rectify. Hence, a student should maintain regular contact with his/her advisor.



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