Category Archives: parents

Ruth is an attractive, intelligent child aged eight years. She moved schools because she was being bullied. Her previous school, despite its high status and religious affiliations, ignored the bullying. She is shy, and seldom complained to her teacher, although her parents went to the school ten times in three years. Ruth felt as though her ‘insides were on fire’. Her parents moved her to a new, caring school. They soon discovered that she was so hurt by the previous bullying that sh......
If you are not aware of ABA training, and you work with children with Autism, you may want to explore this fascinating opportunity immediately. If you are already aware of it, but haven’t yet taken the ABA training, it is essential that you do so. This applies to teachers, administrators, classroom aides, and to parents too. This is because the training will introduce anyone to the most effective strategies for helping children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) of any kind. Based......