Category Archives: things

I was very fortunate enough to take the FASD certificate program from the child welfare institute at the Toronto Children’s Aide Society, one of the first things our Instructor, Donna Debolt said was much of what we learn are going to be in sound bites, little sentences that will have great impact when trying to help people understand the disability. If you have spent any time with me or have come to one of my trainings I use these statements all the time. So what I am going to do is......
Tutoring business has seen a stiff rise in the recent times owing to its effectiveness in imparting education for the needful students. The wish to hire private tutors may arise out of different reasons, it may be due to parent’s inability to help their children in school assignments or probably to help the students who are week in some specific subjects. In either case, assuring trustworthy home tutor is a must. Assuring authentic private tutor Services of a private tutor can be av......