Category Archives: Problems

Do you have a son or daughter who is struggling in high school and wants to quit? What problems do high school dropouts face, anyway? As you are guiding your young adult, you might want to keep the following in mind. – Employment Challenges Most people understand the difficulties of locating a job that can provide a living wage. Add to that basic challenge the lack of a good education and high school dropouts quite simply stack the deck against themselves. Without a high school dipl......
In most cases, students avoided setting up equations using negative numbers and attempted to change the problems to only work with positive integers. Kilhamn argues that this is not a simple error on the part of the student but a “reluctance to accept negative numbers.” She further explains that this “is closely linked to our desire to be able to concretise that which is abstract and understand negative numbers in terms of concepts such as debts, lifts or temperatures.&#......