Category Archives: Globalization

Globalization in Economics and Its Consequences The term globalization can be defined in a number of different ways. It may have different meanings to different people in relation to their social, economic, cultural or political position. Simply put, globalization refers to the interconnectivity of people, ideas, cultures and traditions across the globe. According to Langhorne (2001), globalization refers to the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integ......
GLOBALIZATION AND COORDINATED ATTACKS OF THE UNITED STATES 9/11 Terrorism is a complicated phenomenon in its own right and defies simple characterization. The September 11th incident marked a new era in world politics so much as the case of “business as usual. Globalization and terrorism are somehow interrelated but complicated terms in today’s politics. Globalization has taken a central stage in international arena. The technologies associated with globalization include commer......