Category Archives: eBook

Values are essential in a person’s growth. To be able to grow as a decent man or woman is because of values. That is why it is very important to develop values in a person while he or she is young and that is also why I am advising you to not wait for later, not wait for tomorrow but act now and establish values in your child. You may be wondering why as to how you can do it at their young age. The solution is simple: Inspirational Kids Stories eBook. This eBook (Inspirational Kids ......
Every time your baby or toddler is crying, do you wish you could understand what he meant? Do you wish she could tell you why she is throwing tantrums? That would be great but at the age of 1 to 3, how can she do that? Well, there is a saying that actions speak louder than words. And with your child, this will be fun! And Wendy Jensen knows exactly what you need – the Sign Language For Babies and Beyond eBook. This will help you understand what your kid is trying to say by teaching him si......
Are you a parent of a child that is constantly bullied? Does your child often arrive at home crying? Does your child’s self-esteem lower than the gnome in your backyard? Well, these all might be caused by one person or two – bullies. When a kid looks like very weak or can be bullied, bullies feel the dominance and they would eventually approach the kid and beat him up or humiliate him. Some even would get his lunch money or his lunch. There are different types of bullies and you can......