Category Archives: does

Many adults overestimate the cost of college or believe that all schools are expensive. For example, a 1996 survey found that members of the public overestimated the tuition of both public two- and four-year colleges by two to three times the actual average tuition, a mistake of more than $3,000. Although some colleges are expensive, costs vary from institution to institution. In addition, the availability of financial aid — money available from various sources to help students pay f......
According to Wikipedia “Online tutoring refers to the process by which knowledge is imparted from a tutor, knowledge provider or expert to a student or knowledge recipient over the Internet.” You would now be thinking that any idiot can guess that from the phrase itself, that it is a method of tutoring which uses Internet as a mean for imparting education. But you are more interested in knowing how this tutoring is imparted and the technology behind this. First of all you wil......